SUDA-LABThe purpose of Suda_lab

We conduct three types of experiment.

Conduct Experiment, not by Commissioned work, but by Development work.

As ad agency creative, our main work is to solve the challenges given by the client.
But to respond to the changing times, we thought it's better to start up independent challenges as well.
We will work hard for our main work, take advantage of the skill and idea acquired,
and self developed what we think it's a "New Advertisement."

It might be imperfect at first, but who care's. It is an experiment, toward an invention.
Having strong “will,” learning from doing, and to make things, is the most important thing.

fig 1.

●Experiment to modify the genetic makeup of advertisement.

Ad creatives have cultivated superior genetic factors.
We would recombine the skill set and search for new way to use them.

Ad creatives have three types of abilities.

  • Abilities to create ideas from consumer's insight.
  • Abilities to express the idea in attractive words.
  • Abilities to make complicated structure to a simple and understandable look and feel.

We would maximize the ability.

As for the development stage, we will utilize the three big ad agency skills.

We can make presentations to mostly all the Japanese clients.
We can tag with most of the media.
We can collaborate freely with internal
and external professional human resources.

Recombining this 3×3skills, we will experiment to make
what we think it's a "New Advertisement."

fig 2.

●Experiment to develop new generations.

As time goes by, the epoch of the generations always come and go.
The next generations over ride the past generations, and it is a universal principles.
Then it should be an important job to develop new generations skill as a senior.

We would conduct it not as a boss and subordinate relationship,
but as a senior junior relationship of after school activities,
or a neighborhood brother sister rather loose relationship.
It might be safe circuit for the everyday managed business.

fig 3.

●Just try and do what we have come up with.

=Cherish the hacker spirit

Do not think too much before doing it, do not try to gain approval.
Just do it.
As copywriter write a line of copy right away,
as designer's draw a rough idea and put it on the wall.
Like a after school activity gathering at a open class room,
we just need a open meeting room and a white board with a marker with ink inside.
Young members naturally gather,
some veteran creative act as a club president, it should be ok.

We will do it just like that.

fig 4.

Chief of Suda_lab Kazuhiro Suda